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A Superior Alternative

[…] priority. I had a hard time believing that when I first heard it. Since I was little, writing has been my top priority. Well, okay, after church and family. While I was growing up […]

The Garden Atonement and the Mormon Cross Taboo

[…] tombstone. Yet Roberts was also well known to give “aggressively anti-­Catholic” radio addresses, and his influential apostasy-­narrative writings relied heavily on “anti-­Catholic polemics.” In his Outlines of Ecclesiastical History, he recounted a skeptical account […]

Mexicans, Tourism, and Book of Mormon Geography

[…] that I use the word “practicing” deliberately. Like playing the piano, if one stops practicing, one’s skills get rusty. In order for religious truths to become normal, natural, and transparent they must be made […]

Heavenly Mother: The Mother of All Women

[…] entering into the priesthood to serve and bless the lives of those around her? Her power and service may not need to include nor be limited to motherhood or marriage. Priesthood ordination is one […]

Utah Naming Practices, 1960–2020

[…] names given to children in the US between 1960 and 2020. As a first foray into the topic, the twenty most popular names given to children in the twenty-first century (2001–2020) were examined. The […]

Some Reflections on the New Mormon History

[…] and well-matured of the scholarly endeavors which have the Restoration as their subject. The paucity of critical writings in the various fields of theology and philosophy is by comparison especially striking. The phenomenon is […]