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Mormon Dissent in the Age of Fracture

[…] did so in protest. The symposium had become a center point in the growing battle between Latter -day Saint leaders and activists, especially as Church authorities grew increasingly outspoken in denouncing what Dallin Oaks […]

The September Six and the Evolution of Mormon Magisteria

[…] between the Catholic example Gould considers and the way that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints responds to similar difficulties are instructive. As the Latterday Saint intellectual community responded to the […]

The September Six and the Lost Generation of Mormon Studies

[…] Toscano, and Lynne Kanavel Whitesides were disfellowshipped or excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints. While these six people’s lives were being upturned via Church discipline, the great drama in […]

A Question of Authority

I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints on September 25, 1993, almost immediately after Lavina Fielding Anderson was forced out of it. Her stake disciplinary council had convened […]

Discerning Between Truth and— | John Bennion, Spin

[…] life with nothing? Forced to ask ourselves this question in the first two chapters of this genre -bending, disturbing novel—John Bennion’s most complex yet—we get, early on, a glimpse of what he’s up to: […]

The Quest for Mutual Empathy in the Gospel

[…] source of suffering for most people is the experience of isolation and that healing occurs in growth -fostering connection. Judith V. Jordan “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all […]

A Missionary Farewell

[…] Valley sat in front of the crowd on the rostrum. Behind them was the organ. Its gold -colored pipes spanned the back wall, perfectly symmetrical from top to bottom. During the day, sunlight streamed […]