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Scholarly Studies of Mormonism in the Twentieth Century

[…] process of creation. Actually, the systematic study of Mormon institutions and history is a relatively recent phenomenon. Writings about the Mormons during the first seventy-five years after the Church was organized in 1830 consisted […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] point at issue. As the major thesis of my article I deplored the smothering of our creative writing talent and lamented the house-organ level of our internal literature. To refute this, my critics need […]


[…] “Probably not. There’s no way to force him. Legally, he’s her sole custodian.”  I could see the writing on the wall. It was time for me to articulate the inevitable. “Maybe you should stay […]

Choral Music in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

[…] two years’ study in a reputable college music department. This study should include both melodic and harmonic writing, musical form, and background in music practice from the Renaissance through the twentieth century. The texts […]

The Role of Music in the Reorganized Church

[…] and developed skills of poetry and music to match the needs of our day. Perhaps too much writing is being drained off by the commercial-religious entertainment field and other non-religious, but more profitable, avenues of […]

Thomas F. O’Dea on the Mormons: Retrospect and Assessment

[…] highly laudatory. Among these is an assessment by the scholar who is now Church Historian, Leonard Arrington. Writing in 1966, Arrington stated that O’Dea’s works “offer unquestionably the best ‘outside’ view of Mormon thought […]

Literary Dimensions of Mormon Autobiography

[…] Pratt and of the various autobiographical sketches of Joseph Smith, most especially that contained in the “ Writings of Joseph Smith” in the Pearl of Great Price. Although The Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] for Itself.” Pontiac (Mich.) Oakland Press. 28 January 1978.  “Mormons Practice Their Beliefs in Family Life and Service to Church.” Aurora (111.) Beacon-News. 10 September 1978.  Parisi, Kim. “Mormons Believe Good Family Life Brings […]