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From Three Jacks

[…] something bad happening to me. Jack was looking like the rattled folk you see on the TV news. Had those eyes. He stood by the Nova and said, “It has me spooked is all […]


[…] the streets—herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, or who knew what else?  Eventually, our silence struck me as a mutual display of poor manners and I asked Sandrine the name of the unkempt fellow. She said, […]

The Blasphemy of Indifference

[…] resolved them by asking ourselves some other questions: What is the role of the Church in a world crisis? What can the Church do in war prevention? Who can provide counsel and guidance on […]

“If Thou Wilt Be Perfect”

[…] a Church. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, ed (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret News Press, 1942), p. 366.  Elder Harold B. Lee, Conference Report, April 1966, p. 64.  Journal of […]

Stress Points in Mormon Family Culture

[…] causes many to take a chance.  Now, of course, petting may be either exploitative or non-exploitative (with mutuality and love). Nevertheless, for a person to become extremely intimate without being able to consummate the […]

Remarks at Chase’s Missionary Farewell

There is an apparent rule, honored in some wards as often in the breach I as in its observance, that talks given at missionary farewells are not to be devoted to eulogizing the departing […]

The Ethics of Deterrence

[…] in nuclear stockpiles, and eventually to the phasing out altogether of nuclear deterrence and the threat of mutually assured destruction.  As long as there is hope of this occurring, Catholic moral teaching is willing, […]

To Be Native American—And Mormon

[…] of his life, I wonder if it was the strenuousness of that struggle to live in both worlds that moved him toward his early death. My parents met when they were students at the […]