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The Need for a New Mormon Heaven

[…] entirely out of it the supremest of all his delights, the one ecstasy that stands first and foremost in the heart of every individual of his race—and of ours—sexual intercourse!” In heaven, “prayer takes […]

Governor Thomas Ford and the Murderers of Joseph Smith

Dialogue 4.2 (Summer 1969): 41–52
Member and non members have criticized Governor Thomas Ford of Illinois for his inability to save Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. Huntress was arguing that Governor Ford had […]

Book of Mormon Archaeology: The Myths and the Alternatives

[…] archaeology is largely useless — even a delusion — and that there are far more important things for Church anthropologists to worry about is not currently popular in the Church. Nevertheless, the conservative position […]

Mormons and the Visual Arts

[…] Christ of Latter-day Saints given to the visual arts in Utah?” One would hardly consider as fields for fruitful exploration Baptist support of the arts in Mississippi, Lutheran encouragement in Oregon, or Methodist patronage […]