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The Other Crime: Abortion and Contraception in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Utah

Dialogue 53.1 (Spring 2020): 33–47
In this essay, I discuss this history, present evidence that Latter-day Saint men sold abortion pills in the late nineteenth century, and argue that it is likely some Latter-day Saint women took them in an attempt to restore menstrual cycles that anemia, pregnancy, or illness had temporarily “stopped.” Women living in the twenty-first century are unable to access these earlier understandings of pregnancy because the way we understand pregnancy has changed as a result of debates over the criminalization of abortion and the development of ultrasound technology.

$5 fundraising flurry

windowAs the year comes to a close, Dialogue has fashioned a $5.00 fundraising flurry and invites you to join in. Donating just $5.00 will not only help Dialogue in its quest to continue to be one of the most integral, insightful, and intellectual Mormon journals available, but will also enter you into a drawing for one of four signed copies from these friends of Dialogue (click “Read more” to find out which authors are participating). Drawing will be held January 4th and winners notified soon thereafter.

Book Review: Why “Planted”?

Cross-posted at Wheat and Tares 
By Kristine A.
We live in an age of doubt, but we need not be overcome. When we are planted in the Savior we can be nourished as much by our questions as by the answers.” 

Patrick-Mason“Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt” is written by Patrick Mason and is a joint venture between the Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship and Deseret Book. Patrick Mason is the Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate College and a Mormon historian.
When I first saw this was being released I kind of rolled my eyes. “Great,” I thought, “another book that will describe what I’ve been through (a la Crucible of Doubt) that ultimately preaches to the choir.”

Simply Implausible: DNA and a Mesoamerican Setting for the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 36.4 (Winter 2004):129–167
Instead of lending support to an Israelite origin as posited by Mormon scripture, genetic data have confirmed already existing archaeological, cultural, linguistic, and biological data, pointing to migrations from Asia as “the primary source of American In￾dian origins

Coming to MHA: the International Mormon Studies Book Drive Summer Fundraiser

Lucky souls attending the Mormon History Association meeting in Layton, Utah on June 7th and June 8th can stop by the IMS 2013 Summer Fundraiser (graciously hosted by Dialogue) for free Asian treats. We will be raffling off some fabulous prizes collected from across the globe, including boomerangs from Australia and sacks of the tastiest lychee jellies in Asia! Those searching for an original Father’s Day gift will be pleased to learn that we are also selling several colors of the ubiquitous “家庭是永恒的” tie, the favored Sunday tie of the hip, hardworking Mormons of China’s Pearl River Delta. All proceeds will go to the IMS Book Drive project. We hope to raise all remaining funds needed for the 2013 collections at this Summer Fundraiser.

A $5 fun fundraiser

Dialogue has fashioned a $5 fun fundraisier and invites you to join in! Donating just $5.00 will not only help Dialogue in its quest to continue to be one of the most integral, insightful, and…