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The Church as Broadcaster

[…] KSL’s actual revenues and the share of the Salt Lake City market advertising revenues they represent. Also writing in opposition to the petition to deny was Utah Attorney General Vernon B. Romney, whose correspondence […]

Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview

[…] studies have traced the association to at least 200 to 600 A.D. Jordan reports that early Jewish writings invoked Noah’s curse to explain the black skin of the Africans. Among early Christian fathers, both […]

Bibliography of Leonard James Arrington

[…] Historical Department of the Church, Salt Lake City, 13 pp.  “How Relief Society Minutes Help Us in Writing Church History,” duplicated typescript, Historical Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt […]

Church Influence Upon the Family

[…] B.Y.U. social scientists for the General Authorities, the Indian Placement Program, and the expansion of Church social service agencies are additional areas where religion has joined hands with secular ideas.  Professionals from social work […]

Advice to Book Reviewers

[…] the editorial “we,” while others studiously avoid either form. The present tendency in reviewing, as in editorial writing, is to avoid the first person altogether except in reviews that embody interview or anecdotal material. […]

BCC 2015 Christmas book guide

[…] The Mormon Studies Review is one of three journals by the Maxwell Institute (formerly FARMS). It provides reviews and essays by top scholars of Mormon Studies. This is to keep on top of the […]

Mormonism and the New Creationism

Dialogue 34.4 (Winter 2002): 39–59This paper will deal with a more specific form of creationism, which is often termed “creation science” or “scientific creationism” (these terms will be used synonymously).