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A $5 fun fundraiser

[…] the most integral, insightful, and intellectual Mormon journals available, but will also enter you into a drawing for one of five signed copies from these friends of Dialogue (list found below). Drawing will be […]

Mormonism and the New Creationism

Dialogue 34.4 (Winter 2002): 39–59This paper will deal with a more specific form of creationism, which is often termed “creation science” or “scientific creationism” (these terms will be used synonymously).

$5 Fundraiser

[…] the most integral, insightful, and intellectual Mormon journals available, but will also enter you into a drawing for one of three signed copies from these friends of Dialogue.

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Mormon and Queer at the Crossroads

Dialogue 44 .1 (Spring 2011): 53–84
This essay explores conflicting messages within LDS teaching on LGBT rights, when it both opposed same-sex marriage and in the wake of Prop 8 also came out in support […]

Racial Innocence and the Christus-Based Latter-day Saints Symbol

[…] forged document “written sometime between the tenth and fourteenth century, falsely claimed to come from a g overnor of Judea during Christ’s lifetime.” The fabricated letter describes Jesus’ physical appearance thusly: He is a […]

The Mormon Myth of Evil Evolution

Dialogue 34.4 (Winter 2002): 19–38In the years since this event, I’ve found that there are a number of members who believe that evolution is a doctrine of the devil.