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International Mormon Studies Book Project

As a followup to Michelle Inouye’s Winter 2012 Letter to the Editor about the International Mormon Studies Book Project, here is a Patheos post with more information on how to donate. “As Mormonism continues to…

Review: Christopher Higgs, Becoming Monster

[…] thoughtadventurer. Just in time for Halloween, the Florida State professor and experimental fictionist has published a little essay in nineteen parts on this topic called Becoming Monster. It’s a snappy, thoughtful, challenging but accessible […]

Topic pages: Book of Mormon Studies

[…] Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol 52 No. 2 (2019): 37–58. Ryan Thomas highlights the different metal writing cultures from around the same time as the Book of Mormon periods to see if it […]

Called Not to Serve

[…] the Savior and serve a mission. It came to a head about six months later: I was writing in my journal and started the sentence: “I want to serve . . .” Then I stopped. For a […]

The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage

[…] theorist who proposed a scientific explanation for homosexuality was Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, who authored a series of writings in the 1860s and 1870s positing the existence of a third sex whose nature is inborn. […]

The Temple and the Sacred: Dutch Temple Experiences

[…] “second harvest” in Europe. Has the temple in the Netherlands stimulated church growth? At the time of writing, after ten years, it would not seem to be the case. The main body of converts […]

Joseph Smith: “The Gift of Seeing”

[…] Emma, interviewed by her son Joseph Smith HI concerning important events in early Church history, explained, “In writing for your father I frequently wrote day after day, often sitting at the table close by […]