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“If Thou Wilt Be Perfect”

[…] are indeed God’s Elect, His Chosen People.  Our eyes are focused on the horizon of an advancing stock market, our hearts are filled with the love of financial security, and our lives are dedicated […]

Blessed Damozels: Women in Mormon History

[…] gram for training women in matters of health, in economics and business affairs, in literature, and in politics. The women were trained to support the men, to be sure, but also to be self-reliant, […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] its social concomitants, “Mormon culture” is almost entirely derivative. What could be more pretentious than to assert that today “Los Angeles and New York are as important subsidiary centers of Mormon culture … as St. […]

God and Man in History

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sees both God and man in a temporal, that i§^ historical,’ context, but it has developed no authoritative, systematic statement of the philosophical implications of historical […]

Stress Points in Mormon Family Culture

[…] birth control: the willful regulation of the number and/or spacing of children. This is a widespread practice today, especially in the western world, and most population specialists argue that considerably greater control of this […]

The Gospel, Mormonism and American Culture

[…] great lengths to rationalize them have allowed the gospel perspective to be overshadowed by indifference or partisan politics. The gospel allows for neither of these responses, for the Christian’s duty is to counter corruption […]