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Religious Extremism and Conspiracy: A Student’s Observation

[…] Welch—president and founder of the John Birch Society. The two became close friends and developed a shared worldview over the problems that they believed had plagued American society: hippie culture, rock-and-roll music, the Vietnam […]

Roundtable: The Complications of Columbus and Indigeneity at BYU

[…] including what would become the state of Utah, through ideas of Manifest Destiny. Some Christian denominations and Americans have started to reject the Doctrine of Discovery. Indigenous peoples have called on the current pope […]

The Early Twentieth Century Temples

[…] the east end representing the spiritual leadership of the Melchizedek Priesthood, and those on the west, the worldly leadership of the Aaronic Priesthood. Standing in the symbolic center of the capital city of the […]

Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy

[…] descent created for leaders living in areas with a significant black population. In these parts of the world, the priesthood issue was much more than an occasional embarrassment or a matter for theological debate. […]