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The Gold Plates and Ancient Metal Epigraphy

[…] particular. Assuming historicity and that the peoples of the Book of Mormon were constrained and inflected by human culture and technology, we should expect to find circumstantial corroboration within the available historical record for […]

Is There An ERA-Abortion Connection?

[…] of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics, Georgetown University, has responded to this whole notion about as well as anyone. […]

Thoughts on Mormonism, Evolution, and Brigham Young University

[…] concepts that our people have traditionally taught or believed.  But I also see such things as the human cloning controversy, stem cells, debates over resource management and human populations, and continuing brain research as […]

The Mormon Myth of Evil Evolution

[…] held by some that Adam was not the first man upon this earth, and that the original human being was a development from lower orders of the animal creation. These, however, are the theories […]

Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy

Dialogue 17.3 (Fall 1984): 23–34
Brazil, with a high concentration of African heritage, was a difficult place for the Church (because of the Church’s racial policy) to make headway among native members. Due to the high risk of Brazilians potentially having African ancestry, the Church came to the point where they eventually discouraged missionaries in Brazil from baptizing anyone who is known to have African ancestry.

Toward a Mormon Theology of God the Mother

Dialogue 27.2 (Summer 1994): 15–40
It would seem that Mormons who have believed for over a hundred years in the real existence of the Goddess, the Mother in Heaven, should be far ahead of other Christians in developing a theology of God the Mother. However, our belief in her as a real person puts us at a disadvantage. If the Goddess is merely a symbol of deity, as the male God is also a symbol, then certainly God can be pictured as either male or female with equal validity.

The Grammar of Inequity

[…] animals . . . ” As I recall, I sang “make us persons,” Paul sang “make us human,” and Christian sang “make us homo sapiens.” Christian then continued with gusto, “Take these away, what […]