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The Righteous Road

My mom held her hand over the phone. “It’s Reed,” she whispered. I took the phone and leaned against the countertop. “Hello,” I said. “Hello.” “What, Derrick? No call?” Reed asked. “I didn’t know […]

Automatic Writing and the Book of Mormon An Update

[…] well for Joseph Smith’s believers, then as well as now, but not so well for critics who seem certain natural abilities were responsible. For over 180 years, several secular theories have been advanced as explanations.

Nostrums in the Newsroom

[…] Salt Lake City. Theodore Bundy, a University of Utah law student and former aide to the G overnor of Washington, was found guilty of attempted kidnapping. In addition, the newspaper’s “Pinpoint” investigative team capped […]

Notes and Comments

[…] the facts.” The simple presentation of facts, however, even if one does not like what he unc overs, is not necessarily good history or objectivity. How one presents the facts is what counts. Nowhere […]

“Among the Mormons”

[…] say, the hell out.  I had no such experience, perhaps because I nursed an old underpowered and overloaded truck over Parley’s Summit and was too thankful for having arrived at all to complain about […]

Promise to Grandma

[…] a story teller and dramatist.  Despite the opposition of the bishop, townspeople enjoyed the movies, rid ing over to see them at Cedar City’s Thorley Theatre; and Sarah’s brothers were enthusiastic members of a […]

And Baby Makes Two: Choosing Single Motherhood

[…] I called her house immediately and got her father’s permission. The principal got a substitute to c over for me. Then I borrowed a car and drove eight miles to pick her up. I […]

Mormon and Protestant Conference Videos

At the Crossroads, Again: Mormon and Protestant Encounters in the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Century was a conference held February 24 and 25. If you missed it live, you can still enjoy video presentations from Christopher […]

Mormonism's Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview

[…] E. Bush, Jr. There once was a time, albeit brief, when a “Negro problem” did not exist for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints During those early months in New York and […]