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Middle Buddha

[…] and thoughts as West approaches East, as the Church approaches China. It is variations on a theme, for indeed the timbre of my own soul had not been prepared for the “all-pervading music in […]

The First Vision Story Revived

[…] their antipathy. They cannot resist twisting the knife. Mr. Walters, by contrast, sticks to his facts. He foregoes the attacks on Joseph’s character and the credibility or veracity of his followers. He candidly presents […]

Virginia Sorensen: A Saving Remnant

Nearly fifteen years have passed since I, in looking around for a thesis topic, began to read “Mormon novels.” It seems odd to remember how electrifying were the “forbidden” Vardis Fisher and others I […]

Mid-Century Mormon Novels

[…] and Roy Lambert’s High Uintas – Hi! (1964). There are biographies and historical novels and an in formal combination of the two which amounts to a kind of family memoir novel. Samuel W. Taylor’s […]

Review: Stephen H. Webb’s Mormon Christianity

[…] Webb is happy to offer his hand in doing just that because while “Mormonism might not be for everyone…I think everyone can benefit from learning about its metaphysics” (41). Webb lays out his understanding […]

Editor Kristine Haglund on PBS Newshour

[…] it’s important to remember that Mormonism is a young faith as religions go. And so I think for the last decade or so, there’s been an increasing recognition that just controlling the message and […]

Exponent Bloggers Celebrate Dialogue: A Journal Of Mormon Thought

[…] about Dialogue‘s role in their lives and about Dialoguearticles that have particularly impacted them. MayDialogue continue on for another 50 years… and many, many more after that.    April Young Bennett: While researching background […]

RadioWest with Gregory Prince on Gerontocracy

[…] live longer, they’re more likely to experience age-related conditions like dementia. It’s something he explores in a forthcoming article, and Tuesday, he joins us to explain what this “gerontocracy” means for the future of […]