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Anabaptism, the Book of Mormon, and the Peace Church Option

Dialogue 37.1 (Spring 2004): 75–94
However, Mennonites and Latter Day Saints may be spiritual cousins. A sympathetic comparison of the origins of both movements may illuminate their past and also assist in contemporary living of […]

Ancient America and the Book of Mormon Revisited

Dialogue 4.2 (Summer 1971): 82–85
Secular scholarship and L.D.S. studies of archaeology and the Book of Mormon have had a discordant dialogue for some time. The scripture asserts, for example, that the civilizations it describes […]

The New Calling

[…] the latest issue of my newsletter, when my next Google search suddenly revealed a series of startling headlines: “Inexcusable Error in Church Manual Revives LDS Church’s Dark Racist History,” “Catastrophic Blunder in LDS Manual […]


[…] badly. He stayed away four full weeks, reappearing, as everyone now knows, on “that” fateful Sunday. The news of his return could not have spread any more quickly if it had been posted on […]

From Three Jacks

[…] something bad happening to me. Jack was looking like the rattled folk you see on the TV news. Had those eyes. He stood by the Nova and said, “It has me spooked is all […]

The LDS Church as a Significant Political Reference Group

[…] be constrained by these limitations. In the Spring of 1966 we drew a proportionally stratified, multistage, r andom probability sample of one-thousand registered voters in the above counties, which contain almost eighty-four (84%) percent […]

Law and Order — A Two Way Street

[…] vivid description of “unrestrained and indiscriminate police violence,” which it characterized as a “police riot,” against demonstrators, news men, and bystanders at the Chicago Democratic Convention (Rights in Conflict, The Walker Report to the […]

Concern for the Urban Condition

[…] chain of causation, however, may not be so simple, but may be circular instead, since a Mormon’s politics may be conditioned or reinforced by certain Church doctrines or principles. How ever, sophisticated statistical procedures […]