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Excavating Myself

[…] past trying to find it.  It isn’t easy.  But that’s all right, because when it comes to writing, difficulties are at the root of the work. Ross Macdonald told me once that when he […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] 1977. ———. Surplus and the Storehouse Principle. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1977.  ———. Who’s Who In Service—A Look At Areas of Service Participation By Members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] would have been considered unthinkable. Equally amazing is the number of quality pieces. Although much of the writing comprising “Among the Mormons” is undistinguished, the periodical selections are in general both well written and […]

Russian Writers Look at Mormon Manners, 1857-72

[…] churches to meet the spiritual needs of those who abandoned their traditional beliefs for the new faith.  Writing as the citizen of a country which had enjoyed a long and vigorous intercourse with the […]

Light and Dark Thoughts on Death

[…] is a scholastic prize. For $100 a year, some high school senior who had excelled in creative writing or community service could have his name on the graduation program, a nice little article in […]

Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine: A Mormon Perspective

[…] not expressed itself as to birth control” (Widtsoe to Klinger). Later that year he published an important essay on birth control in the Improvement Era forthrightly entitled “Should Birth Control Be Practiced?” It was […]