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Morning Light

Podcast version of this piece. That dark matter that fashioned us, days laterMade light by command, what voice, I wonderCould shake atoms into place and stir invisibleWaves through the air, as something we cannot seeAllows…

Addendum to Jacob Sorensen’s Patriarchal Blessing

Podcast version of this piece. I don’t know, Jake,why Dad asked me to drive you there,but I did hear every word Brother Allen said,and here’s a few he skipped: Our Heavenly Fatheris pleased with your…

Recreating Abraham’s Star Charts

[…] I see more: Beyond—within—the navigable wilderness above, 18 quasars guard the edge of the universe, like many -petaled amaranths. I peer into time—my tongue bends to liquid fire, tells of trillions of suns flung […]

Paper Route

[…] pack clouded gray with his indistinguishable fingerprints. Their buckling mouths a smudged bouquet of garden flowers. Small -town head- lines and pictures of distorted figures in frames stuck twisting under tangled and torqued rubber […]

God the Mother Speaks of Hearts

Podcast version of this piece. won’t you agree with me the heart’s a glorious organ moon jelly  a ghost heart throbbing in oceanlily bulb  an earth heart humming undergroundbear  a furred heart curled up in cave’s dark I’m…

Book of Life, for Timothy Liu

[…] literal book on a plinth of filigreed gold, and an angel standing as sentinel at heaven’s needle -eye entrance, who’s not to say our names appear etched on its pages, unerasable. Maybe no church […]


Podcast version of this piece. Here’s the truth: My faith remains tepid. Lukewarm as summer rain. Spew -worthy. A compass in fragments, I saved pieces: base plate, arrow, needle. Reassembly is beyond me. Millennia […]

God the Mother Speaks of Xenia

[…] and rest. But I’m mostly the mothers who’d rather not lug the heavy memory of the twelve -yearold boy cut to fit in a sack, ditched on the neighbor’s steps. I hold his ghost […]

God the Mother Speaks of Salt

Podcast version of this piece. I baptized you before you were born. After, rubbed you clean.I’ll cleanse all your wounds in season. You’ve forgottenhow to savor my holy. If you seek,you’ll find these veins run…


Podcast version of this piece. They had agreedthat if she were seenthe boy wouldn’t be believedin seeing them.Nevertheless, she was there,her iridescent spherea coronaover their column of sun,reflecting,refractingthe morning.The flowers turned to her,the green of…