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Science: A Part of or Apart from Mormonism?

[…] practically the entire period 1835-1952.  I knew of Elders Pratt and Talmage by reputation and by their writings (Talmage died when I was quite young), but Elders Widtsoe and Merrill were around until about […]

BIG D/little d: The View from the Basement

[…] put me in touch with the people and ideas I was missing. Because of DIALOGUE, I began writing again.  By the time I became the journal’s editor in the basement of our home, our […]

Groping the Mormon Eros

[…] I can say. Informed discussion ought also to take into account a broad spectrum of femi nist writing on the issue; my acquaintance with it is still peripheral. What I can do is respond […]

Introducing Religion & Politics

[…] & Politics with some familiar Dialogue faces participating. Board Member Max Mueller serves as associate editor and Dialogue Associate Editor Matt Bowman contributes a thought-provoking essay. Within this inaugural issue, there are two Mormon-related pieces.

Dialogue Digital Premium Articles for $1.99 Each

[…] href=”” target=”_blank” data-cke-saved-href=”” rel=”noopener”>Digital Premium Articles. For just $1.99 each, you can download individual articles, poetry compilations, reviews, letters and more from your favorite recent Dialogue Journal. It’s a great way to enjoy sections […]

In Memoriam: Richard H. Cracroft

Dialogue author and former Associate Editor Richard H. Cracroft passed away last week and in honor of his life, we bring back his classic review of President Spencer W. Kimball’s The Miracle of Forgiveness wherein he says “Throughout, however, Elder Kimball’s message is clear: he, like the Lord, will not tolerate the sin, but he will love the sinner. This gentle but authoritative tone becomes a pattern in his correspondence (from which he quotes frequently), a pattern of practical advice coupled with spirituality. President Kimball clearly feels comfortable in blending the short and the long range to achieve happiness in human relationships.” Click in his full observations.
And for more on his remarkable life, see the following links: