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Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: “A Child’s Christmas in Utah” a story by Wayne Carver
Here’s a taste:
“Overhead the attic creaks as the old house sways a little in the winter chill that comes down on a black wind from the black mountains to the east and moves through the valley and across the salt lake and into all the years to come — but that cannot touch the bed-covering warmth of a Christmas that is past.”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: “A Child’s Christmas in Utah” a story by Wayne Carver
Here’s a taste:
“Overhead the attic creaks as the old house sways a little in the winter chill that comes down on a black wind from the black mountains to the east and moves through the valley and across the salt lake and into all the years to come — but that cannot touch the bed-covering warmth of a Christmas that is past.”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering:”The First Christmas Eve at Home” a poem by N. Andrew Spackman
Here’s a taste:
“Crouched beneath the smoke,
Kathy and I drank eggnog.
On our hands and knees,
we lap it up like kittens.”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering:”Christmas Sonnets from Other Years” a poem by Helen Candland Stark
Here’s a taste:
“So we would wish you peace beside your fire,
Peace with your children, peace between you two,
Peace with your friends, and those you serve or hire,
Peace in your country”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: How to Worship Our Mother in Heaven (Without Getting Excommunicated)” an article by Kevin Barney that really does have a Christmas connection
Here’s a taste:
“I suggest that we reconceptualize how we think of our Christmas trees. Just as Peterson demonstrated that the tree of Nephi’s vision represented the mother of the Son of God, the babe being the fruit of the tree, so it seems a very natural extension of that idea to see the decorated trees erected in our homes each December as representing the Christ child’s mother—hence, indirectly the Mother of us all. Since the practice of putting up Christmas trees originated from a pagan fertility symbol that had to be reconceptualized in the first place to give it a Christian meaning, giving the tree our own reconceptualization would not be treading on inviolable ground. And, of course, putting a Christmas tree up each December is entirely unobjectionable in our culture, a practice at which no one would bat an eye. But seeing the tree as a symbol of our Mother may be a source of satisfaction to those who long to acknowledge Her in some way.”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: Christmas Conflict: 2001 a poem by Dawn Baker Brimley
Here’s a taste:
“another day for some of us
to take December seriously,
to practice hope like birds anticipating”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.