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Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] ‘Deterioration in Morals’: Interview With Spencer W. Kimball, President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” U.S. News & World Report 83 (December 19, 1977): 60-61.  Hoyt, Edwin. “The Mormons March On.” Far Eastern […]

Russian Writers Look at Mormon Manners, 1857-72

[…] vary considerably in length and value; some are derivative, based on travel accounts written by French or English travelers, while at least one of them—that writ ten by Petr Lavrov—is striking in its prescience […]

Revelation: The Cohesive Element in International Mormonism

[…] plan of salvation which is so alien? If the experience of the Roman Catholic Church in the internationalization of its faith is any indication, the Mormon Church, like the Roman Catholic Church, will become […]

The Word of Wisdom: From Principle to Requirement

[…] to his diary that he had lost considerable sleep over the matter. Bennion provided information on law- breaking for Deseret News editorials, and Heber J. Grant insisted in conversations with his brother B. F. […]

Ambiguity and the Language of Authority

[…] would be the discovery of absolute truth, for at that point all discussion would end. Art is searching. It is the anticipation of an epiphany that never comes. Absolute truth in Borges’s view is […]


[…] kill the Pope again, one year later, this time with a bayonet. Poland is not in the news, and people don’t think much now about helping.  During January and February I woke very early […]

Service Under Stress: Two Years as a Relief Society President

[…] when I was fully sharing their insecurities.  I reported our doings to the editor of the ward newspaper and arranged for displays in the trophy case. I attended meetings, organized meetings, presided over meetings, […]

Martin Harris: Mormonism’s Early Convert

[…] . . . must be gradually unfolded as a spirit of emulation is excited,” lauded a local newspaper. “In some parts of this county these effects have already been seen” Though likely opposing the […]