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Queer Mormon Histories and the Politics of a Usable Past

[…] before these terms had any meaning. Yale historian John Boswell freely used the term “gay” for medieval and ancient subjects who expressed a preference for same-sex romantic and sexual relationships, while recognizing it was […]

A Question of Authority

[…] Gregory B. Lewis and Charles W. Gossett, “Changing Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage: The Case of California,” Politics and Policy 36 (Jan. 2008): 4–30. NMS topline data analyzed by Benjamin Knoll, Jan. 2023. See […]

The Garden Atonement and the Mormon Cross Taboo

[…] and Barringer, “Use of Gethsemane,” 60 (quoting “Discourse by Elder John Taylor, Tabernacle, Nov. 13, 1859,” Deseret News–Salt Lake Telegram, April 11, 1860, 1.). “Discourse by Elder John Taylor, Tabernacle, Nov. 13, 1859,” Deseret […]

A Gentile Recommends the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 45.3 (Fall 2013):188–206The scripture I have in mind, of course, is the Book of Mormon. What follows is a Gentile’s appreciation—even recommen￾dation—of this well-known but largely unread example of world￾class scripture.

Mormonism and the New Creationism

[…] Creationism (N.Y.: W. H. Freeman, 2000), 93-94. Jeffrey L. Sheler and Joannie M. Schroff, “The Creation,” U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 23,1991, p. 59, available at  James Glanz, “Evolutionists Battle New Theory […]

Learning to Read with the Book of Mormon

Good morning, brothers and sisters. It’s my pleasure today to speak about something that absolutely distinguishes Mormonism from other religious traditions—namely, the book from which it takes its name. Say it with me now: […]

One Devout Mormon Family’s Struggle with Racism

[…] understand why they are not permitted to hold the priesthood.” Gussie must have been heartbroken at the news of this decision, but she was a strong woman and remained active and steadfast in her […]