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Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

For the most part, Mormons have been a socially homogeneous people. True, the initial Anglo-American stock was reinforced from time to time by immigrants from Western Europe, but these converts were quickly absorbed into the Church’s social and cultural mainstream. Although successful missions were established among the Indians and especially among the Polynesians, it was nevertheless the English-speaking white Americans who gave the Church its leadership and set the tone of its culture.

God and Man in History

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sees both God and man in a temporal, that i§^ historical,’ context, but it has developed no authoritative, systematic statement of the philosophical implications of historical relationships. It has no official philosophy of history. What follows, therefore, are simply reflections on some problems which relate to the religious affirmations of the L.D.S. people and a tentative approach to my personal philosophy of history. 

The Godfather | Francis Ford Coppola, dir., The Godfather

I drove to the city to see “The Godfather.” I worried about it because it had an “R” rating. By way of comparison, “The Graduate” is now rated only “PG,” despite those lurid bed scenes with Mrs. Robinson, and the frequent taking of the Lord’s name in vain. So because “The Godfather” was rated “R,” I expected the worst. Half way to Idaho Falls, I nearly turned back. But now I can report to you that “The Godfather” is not deserving of its “R” rating. It’s relatively clean. 

On the Mormon Commitment to Education

In one of the more imaginative chapters of that remarkably imaginative trilogy Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien describes an Entmoot, a conference of giant tree-like creatures called Ents. Sam and Merry, two…

Letters to the Editor

Dear Brother Price,

In view of the message regarding Dialogue’s possible demise after this year, which we received with our last issue, it seemed appropriate to include some of my feelings along with our renewal. Although our financial situation doesn’t allow us to become Dialogue Associates, we are sending a gift sub scription and enclosing a token donation.

On the Way to Obsession | Claire Noall, Surely the Night

Here is yet another novel about the sensitive and soul-torn nineteenth century Mormon woman, another proclamation that if it took men to match our mountains, it was only because both had been long overmatched by…

The Day President Harding Came

Ever last jack man, woman, and papoose 
was down to the station to see the President 
come steaming in, smoke blowing, Panama waving
pleasure to ride your new train yessir nice 
country Senator Smoot Squint Indian howdaya do. 

Phrenology Among the Mormons

On 2 July 1842 the Nauvoo Wasp contained a letter from A. Crane, M.S., professor of phrenology, alluding to the “large number of persons in different places” who wished to know “the phrenological development of…