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The Women of Fundamentalism: Short Creek, 1953

[…] Church.  At 9 A.M. that same morning, Arizona’s Governor Howard Pyle intoned solemnly over KTAR radio:  Be fore dawn today the State of Arizona began and now has substantially concluded a momentous police action […]

Ethnic Groups and the LDS Church

[…] the wealth and progress of the country, yet encountered bitter opposition. . . . Sudden influxes of foreigners with strange ways and attitudes always do that, everywhere” (Morison 1965, 481). The discrimination northern European […]

Responses and Perspectives: The Mormon Cross

Dialogue 8.1 (Spring 1973): 78–86
Responding to Bush, Eugene England compared the story of Abraham which is uncom fortable for him calling it a cross, to the church wide policy of denying anyone who has […]

There is Work to Do First

Introduction I and many Mormons ache to apologize for our 130-year practice of excluding people of Black African ancestry from temple and priesthood participation. We long to apologize for our community’s attempts during and […]

Woman as Healer in the Modern Church

[…] to my bishop to discuss some things that had happened in my life, and I asked him for a blessing. There were circumstances in my family—my husband was inactive, and I had an unusual […]

The Grammar of Inequity

[…] to our religious life—our scriptures, our hymns, and our prayers. I recognize that not everyone is com fortable analyzing the way we speak or altering traditional forms of speech. That discomfort may become particularly […]

My Short Happy Life with Exponent II

[…] Society-type projects, the sort of thing they were quite experienced in doing, that they had been doing for years with little particular attention. They didn’t think that that much was really happening, but they […]