Search Results for ❤️ Pae mo te whakaipoipo: ❤️ Tohu Awhina Mo Te Koroni Mo Nga Taangata Koreutu

The LGBTQ Mormon Crisis: Responding to the Empirical Research on Suicide

Dialogue 49.2 (Summer 2016): 1–24
The November 2015 LDS handbook policy change that identified mem- bers who participate in same-sex marriages as “apostates” and forbade children in their households from receiving baby blessings or baptisms sparked ongoing attention to the topic of LGBTQ Mormon well-being, mental health, and suicides.

Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 36.4 (Winter 2004):109–128
DID JOSEPH SMITH WRITE the Book of Mormon? To this over-familiar question the orthodox Latter-day Saint answer is a resounding “No” because the official belief is that a series of men with quasi-biblical names wrote the book over many centuries.

Asherah Alert

Dialogue 42.2 (Summer 2009): ix-xii
But when it comes to pegging Asherah as our Heavenly Mother, there are many problems which must be overcome, and Kevin Barney falls short of doing so. Barney’s proposition is that the early worship form of venerating Asherah is more valid than the later, more evolved form of monotheism.

Premortal Spirits: Implications for Cloning, Abortion, Evolution, and Extinction

Dialogue 39.1 (Spring 2006): 1–18
Perhaps no other moral issue divides the American public more than abortion. In part, the controversy hinges on the question of when the spirit enters the body. If a spirit were predestined for a given mortalbody and that body is aborted before birth, the spirit would, technically,never be able to have a mortal existence.

Volume Art

CHARLOTTE CONDIE’s {[email protected]} work focuses on life and love against the backdrop of Latter-Day Saint community and culture, its triumphs, and its challenges. My personal wrestle with the Divine and life with scrupulosity informs my…

Welcome to Dialogue!

Welcome to Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought What is Dialogue? The Dialogue journal has been around for over 40 years (45!) providing an important space for the independent exploration of Mormonism from a broad…

Jonathan Stapley on Women, Ritual, and Authority

Jonathan Stapley will delve into “Womwn, Ritual, and Authority” as the featured speaker at the Miller-Eccles Study Group this weekend.
DATES: October 21 (Villa Park) and October 22 (La Canada – Flintridge).
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
Stapley will discuss female participation in healing rituals and last rites, to highlight “important shifts in how rituals were transmitted and developed throughout Mormon history as well as the major external and internal forces that shaped current ritual performance.”