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Road to Damascus

At evening Paul contemplated two trees on a distant ridge. They were both firs, one tall, straight, conical; the other curiously warped midtrunk into a great bent bush of a tree. The crippled tree troubled…


December 14: Lyn really managed to get herself worn down. Lyn, Mom, Adina and I drove to Salt Lake City to see three naturopaths. The first one diagnosed Lyn’s condition as a collapsed left lung.…

Escape from Viet Nam: An Interview with Nguyen Van The

Nguyen Van The, a native of Vietnam, was converted to Mormonism in 1966: “I had no previous religion, although as the son in a Buddhist family, I was expected to worship my ancestors.” In 1968…

The Church Moves Outside the United States

Mormons of the present generation, with their legacy of tenacity and perseverance as both a guide and a challenge, are attempting to offer “every nation, kindred, tongue, and people” an opportunity to hear the gospel…

Wait Till the Wind Blows Toward Utah

Wait till the wind blows toward Utah, said the General:
Too many Californians with too
much sense to let us
Drop it on them. 
How come? asked the AEC man. 

Unsettling Organist | James B. Welch, Concert and Recital

In all of Mormondom, only a handful of organs really deserve the name. The overwhelming and depressing majority of our instruments are electronic imitations (appliances, a friend of mine calls them) or cheap pipe organs…

New Voices, New Songs: Contemporary Poems by Mormon Women

The sensibility described by Amy Lowell—that there is something odd about women who write serious poetry—is still given substance today by the endangered state of the species. Even I will not waste time counting the few woman poets anthologized before Lowell’s time; contemporary statistics suffice.