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Dialogue Topic Pages #8: Book of Mormon Topics, Part 2

[…] long time to publish so many articles on the Book of Mormon. First up, Brian Hales, “Automatic Writing and the Book of Mormon: An Update.” Here, Hales examines one of the newer theories for […]

Dialogue Topic Pages #7: Book of Mormon Topics, Part 1

[…] material to second-Isaiah and more. The other is Hugh Nibley, a classicist trained at UC–Berkeley who began writing in the 1950s articles that set the Book of Mormon in an Ancient Near Eastern context. […]

Dialogue Lectures #21 w/Neylan McBaine

The 21st Dialogue podcast features Neylan McBaine, founder and editor-in-chief of the Mormon Women Project, a continuously expanding digital library of interviews with LDS women from around the world speaking about her latest book Women […]

Pioneers in Dialogue

[…] the Mormon Pioneers, by Brock Cheney, Summer 2013. Polly Aird, “Full Lives but Not Fulfilling,” Review of The Polygamous Wives Writing Club: From the Diaries of Mormon Pioneer Women, by Paula Kelly Harline, Spring 2015.