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Asherah Alert

Dialogue 42 .2 (Summer 2009): ix-xii
But when it comes to pegging Asherah as our Heavenly Mother, there are many problems which must be overcome, and Kevin Barney falls short of doing so. Barney’s proposition […]

DPN Featured Episode: Celebrating Women’s Voices in Publishing

https://www In this special crossover episode, the Dialogue Journal podcast proudly presents a compelling conversation from the Signature Books podcast, honoring Women’s History Month and the diverse voices of female authors and editors […]

Anabaptism, the Book of Mormon, and the Peace Church Option

Dialogue 37 .1 (Spring 2004): 75–94
However, Mennonites and Latter Day Saints may be spiritual cousins. A sympathetic comparison of the origins of both movements may illuminate their past and also assist in contemporary living […]