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Joseph Smith and the Structure of Mormon Identity

[…] Vision has taken priority in structuring Mormon identity, despite the existence of different versions. This article explores why that version is so meaningful to Latter -day Saints, reflecting on the symbolic strucutre of the account.

Joseph Smith as a Student of Hebrew

[…] the admirable Temple, would be wiped out. The rejection of the Mormons from Missouri would be in humanly consummated; in a few short months, Far West would fall from grandeur to misery; Carthage jail […]

Is Joseph Smith Relevant to the Community of Christ?

Dialogue 39.4 (Winter 2006): 58–67 I spoke as a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/Community of Christ. As a result, I had a decidedly different perspective on Joseph Smith […]

The Political Background of the Woodruff Manifesto

[…] than a month after the Manifesto. After acknowledging Foster’s previous letter, which had expressed concern for the humane treatment of those still imprisoned for unlawful cohabitation, Woodruff stated that his people would gladly avail […]

Women’s Response to Plural Marriage

[…] larger issues of the dilemma confronting all who profess religion and reason while coping with their own humanity.  “If any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her […]

The Women of Fundamentalism: Short Creek, 1953

[…] an anonymous interview acknowledged the difficult times. “Sure we became angry and jealous. We are after all human beings. But when I felt most hateful I went into my room and closed the door.” […]