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Privacy Policy

[…] such as your browser type, IP address, and pages you visit on our site to improve our service. 3. Cookies and Tracking Technologies We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track activity on […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] elements in my book, but I can hardly apologize for them. Remembering the final year of work, writing the book was surely the most intensely personal, and even spiritual experience of my life. I […]

Women Under the Law

[…] and a 1948 law prohibiting women from involvement in combat is still used to bar women from service in the thousands of assignments in “combat type” positions during peacetime. The result is that women […]

One Devout Mormon Family’s Struggle with Racism

[…] instead were seated in a row behind the deacons when the sacrament was passed during the church service. Local authorities thought this would make the boys feel they were part of the service, even […]

On Becoming a Universal Church: Some Historical Perspectives

[…] what Elder M. Russell Ballard called in April 1990, the “small and simple things” (Ballard 1990). Love, service, home, family, and worship of the Savior: these universals constituted the essence of Mormonism so far […]

The Rise and Fall of Courage, an Independent RLDS Journal

[…] accept. Kathryn Olson, in comparing “instant canonization” of latter-day revelations with the longer canonization process of Biblical writings, found the former process wanting, and an editorial in the same issue questioned the need for […]