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The Church in Latin American: Progress and Challenge

[…] Public Health Division of the Organization of the Ameri can States have collaborated with Latin American g overnments in significant public health programs over the past twenty years. These efforts have resulted in millions […]

The Role of Music in the Reorganized Church

[…] and taped in November and broadcast on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The 1974 performance was heard over 1750 stations throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the South Pacific and […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] a Monumental Crime. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1976.  Zimmerman, Dean R. LDS Church History Atlas. 3 vols. Salt Lake City: Dean R. Zimmerman, 1975.  Apostates and Gentiles Collire, Fred C. The Church […]

Mormonism: From Its New York Beginnings

[…] to family accounts, at the Hill Cumorah on the four annual September meetings, in 1824, 1825, 182 6 and 1827. In the meantime, he had continued working on his father’s farm, other farms in […]

Forgotten Relief Societies, 1844-67

[…] the vigorous movement in Nauvoo and the equally vital organizational efforts which began in the late 18 60s fell a twenty-three year gap.  The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo received its initial impulse in […]

From Sacred Grove to Sacral Power Structure

[…] Jr., was proclaimed a prophet, seer, and revelator when he organized a new Church of Christ on 6 April 1830 in New York State, the Mormon hierarchy as an institution of leadership can be […]

Performative Theology: Not Such a New Thing

[…] to find the treasure hidden in a field of Matthew 13:44 is to find Christ; and to buy the field and make it one’s own at the price of all that one has is […]