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New Light on Mormon Origins from the Palmyra Revival

[…] both accounts are describing the same revival, Mormon writers have already credited Cowdery with an error in dating, but have been quite willing to accept the other details given in this earlier account and […]

A University’s Dilemma: B.Y.U. and Blacks

[…] the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which currently causes the priesthood to be withheld from blacks of African lineage has been the major source of controversy for Brigham Young University in the […]

Mormonism and the New Creationism

[…] law of thermodynamics) is to consider snowflakes. Bentley and Humphrey’s book Snow Crystals includes over 2000 high-resolution black-and-white photos of real snowflakes, many with intricate yet highly regular patterns. What are the chances that […]