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Mormon World View and American Culture

[…] enough that one would sup pose it to have an explicit denotative meaning. Instead a look at usage suggests that whatever concept lies behind the term is vague at best.  Thomas F. O’Dea considered […]

Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

For the most part, Mormons have been a socially homogeneous people. True, the initial Anglo-American stock was reinforced from time to time by immigrants from Western Europe, but these converts were quickly absorbed into […]

Notes and Comments

Taking Flanders Too Seriously | Merging Business and Religion | We Love the Americans, But . . . | An Uncasual Review of Williams

Art, Religion and the Market Place

[…] The common end is the enrichment of the life of the spirit; the common enemy is the market place. That the end, or at least the highest end, of religion is the enrichment of […]