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If I Hate My Mother, Can I Love the Heavenly Mother?

[…] has been commonplace to see our relationships with our parents as crucial for working out our self -identity. We may completely disagree with Freud’s theories about childparent relationships, Oedipal and otherwise, but I think […]

Asherah Alert

Dialogue 42.2 (Summer 2009): ix -xii
But when it comes to pegging Asherah as our Heavenly Mother, there are many problems which must be overcome, and Kevin Barney falls short of doing so. Barney’s proposition […]

Kevin Barney Responds

[…] of political spin in the OldTestament. I recognize that weget really nervous when we starttalking about spin in the scrip -tures. So I do not blame anyone,including you, for not wanting to follow me there.

The Order of Eve: A Matriarchal Priesthood

[…] accumulate and bother me. While I do this, I call my mother, and we have meandering catch -upontheeventsoflife chats. These are favorite hours in my weekend, which always end with me feeling close to […]

Heavenly Mother: The Mother of All Women

Dialogue 51.4 (Winter 2018): 171174 Heavenly Mother is a cherished doctrine among many Latterday Saints. Her unique esthetic of feminine deity offers Latterday Saint women a trajectory for godhood—the ultimate goal of Mormon theology.