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The Gift

[…] flatly refused. Gerard mulled the invitation and at last, upon learning that Marie had begun to attend services, decided to go. He arrived early at the chapel on a Sunday afternoon and saw Marie […]

In the Right Hands

[…] a super movie!”  This continued ad nauseam, and he wondered what Nabokov had done with his creative writing classes. He could see that if the class period was to be something other than an […]

Grandpa and the Petrified Oysters

[…] desk for coordinating the bills and other affairs of the household, Grandpa did the bulk of his writing. Here he stored back issues of Look, Life, National Geographic, Time, and the Utah Deseret News; […]

Where We Lay Our Scene

[…] had no memory of what either wrote. Tom remembered feeling pressure to write something good. Sarah started writing as soon as she found a blank page and she wrote for a long time.  She […]

A Survey of Current Literature

[…] entitled “George Romney’s Bizarre Religious Beliefs.” Avant-Garde calls itself the “voice of the Turned-On Generation.”  *** Book reviews are not often gristy enough to warrant commentary in a bibliographical essay of this nature, but […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] Visiting Teaching messages are designed to be inspirational as well as educational.  As far as the compassionate service function is concerned, there is still quite a need for help, even among our “affluent membership,” […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] are playing in American history. In his thoughtful article “The Mormons as a Theme in Western Historical Writing,” Rodman W. Paul explores this role and the oft-expressed complaint that courses in western history devote […]