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The Faith of a Psychologist: A Personal Document

[…] Creator, a vastly more moving and profound experience, is well within the realm of possibility for any human who chooses to seek it.  I am convinced that it is through faith, sometimes by the […]

Theology for a New Age | John A. T. Robinson, Honest to God

[…] society has fallen into a sterile ethical relativity, which threatens the worth and dignity of the whole human venture.  As a “defender of the faith,” Bishop Robinson refuses to confine himself to the shrinking […]

The Dichotomy of Art and Religion

[…] division between art and religion, the assumption that art has the right to explore every aspect of human experience (even the innermost life of religion itself — and its leaders), and even to speculate, […]

Toward a History of Ancient America

[…] no men to leave behind any records of their achievements, there can be no history in the humanistic sense. But America — specifically Mesoamerica — is quite different. Anyone who visits the antiquity sites […]

The New Calling

[…] it. Maybe this whole new calling thing was just part of some larger, divinely inspired repentance process designed to bring me back in line. Only when I was a kid—back in the early sixties—things […]

A House of Order

Three weeks had passed since Howard and Sylvia Rockwood last made love. Earlier, before the days of silence, they could have begun casually, prompted by any minor conversational motion, finally drawing close enough for physical…

Bird of Paradise

[…] toes poking out of my sandals, talking to them individually, giving each a Hawaiian name—Hawaiki. Kamehameha. Ka humanu. Lifting both my arms, she sang, “Fly, pretty bird. High over the ocean, fly.” We soared […]