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Mental Illness and George Albert Smith

[…] that the Curriculum Committee of the church missed a tremendous opportunity with the production of the manual for study this year. Most of us know someone who has struggled with mental illness. We know […]

Blogging General Conference

I’ll be blogging conference live at Dialogue’s affiliated blog, By Common Consent, with real-time coverage from the Conference Center, photos, and lots of discussion, both serious and silly, in the comment section. Will President Monson arrive late? Will Elder Oaks talk about Religious Freedom? Will someone reference an April Fool’s Joke? You’ll find somebody talking about it at BCC. Twitter updates also available throughout the weekend at and Join us!

Editor Kristine Haglund on Mormon motherhood

[…] class=”size-thumbnail wp-image-3068″ title=”annromney1″ src=”×150.jpg” alt=”By Gary Skidmore on Flickr” width=”150″ height=”150″ />

Editor Kristine Haglund was tapped for quotes on Mormon motherhood in light of the remarks on Ann Romney’s motherhood in both

Introducing Book Reviews

[…] new memoir (“This brings me to what I understand to be the heart of the matter, especially for Mormon readers of Brooks’s book: the tension between personal and institutional revelation; or, questions of authority.”) […]