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Virginia Sorensen: A Saving Remnant

[…] Blanche Cannon, even Samuel Taylor. It must be a clue to our culture that a girl could get through graduate school without such an awakening, especially when many of those writers seem so bland […]

Some Implications of Human Freedom

[…] of re-creative process that participates somehow in the original creative act. It imposes upon us in our writing, any kind of writing, the responsibility to see writing not as assignments or work to be […]

Wanted: Additional Outlets for Idealism

[…] these times of change. And like their 19th-century counterparts they still have the opportunity to render missionary service in a variety of locations throughout the world for specified periods of time. But on their […]

I Married a Family

[…] that show.”  Though I married one family and had another, none of them knew much of my writing activities. My daughter, Willa, was at B.Y.U. when the Mountain Meadows Massacre appeared, and was much […]

Science and Religion: A Symbiosis

[…] Aristotle’s scientific cosmology.  Nor can science fill its proper place by permitting itself to be pressed into service wherever theologians need to buttress their own grand schemes of the universe. Of the myriad abuses […]

Among the Mormons

[…] Folklore.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 389-394.  Biography Arrington, Leonard J. “Historian as Entrepreneur: A Personal Essay.” BYU Studies 17 (Winter 1977): 193-209,  Axthelm, Pete. “Miller—Golf’s New Golden Boy.” Newsweek 85 (February 3, […]

Notes and Comments

[…] write about concepts which I believe may be meaningless. But as Bennett has pointed out, I was writing about the Mormon beliefs about God and the soul—not whether these beliefs are meaningful or true. […]

A Wider Sisterhood: Exponent II

[…] welfare fund. The Cambridge Ward provided capital and encouragement, and the local women did the research and writing.  Then in 1971, Robert Rees, editor of Dialogue, entrusted a special issue of Dialogue to them, […]