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Is Joseph Smith Relevant to the Community of Christ?

[…] 2006): 58–67
I spoke as a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/Community of Christ. As a result, I had a decidedly different perspective on Joseph Smith than my co-panelists.

Polygamy, Mormonism, and Me

When I was a young Latter-day Saint, polyg amy entered my consciousness about the time I became a teenager. References to it were not uncommon by family members and in Sunday School classes. It […]

Every Soul Has Its South

[…] the earliest Dialogue issues, Keller says “I went because I was frankly worried: worried that my wife and children should find me slipping after talking intense brotherhood, worried that the church members I led […]

The Mark of the Curse: Lingering Racism in Mormon Doctrine

[…] priesthood ban. The 1978 official declaration, according to President Hinckley, “continues to speak for itself.” Unfortunately, the news story did not include the declaration; rather, the headline included the summary, “racial statements part of […]

The Faith of a Psychologist: A Personal Document

In 1933 J ames Leuba conducted a survey of the beliefs in deity held by scientific and professional men. He found that only ten per cent of the psychologists surveyed admitted to a belief […]

Hit the Frolicking, Rippling Brooks

[…] when her husband, fireman, died in a two-alarm, come to live with Molly, her daughter, and J ames, her son-in-law, come to live in the house next door to our flat.  I don’t contradict […]