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Soon the deer will leave the mountains.Search our garden for vegetation.Bite the tops off tea roses, their teeth leaving scars.In the yard the ash tree dropsleaves into the browning grass. My husband rakes around each…

Tiny Papers: Peruvian Mormon Substances of Relatedness

[…] the blood, all the better. Translated interview transcript. Camp Atoka, Utah. July 3, 2017. Within Jacoba’s Latter -day Saint kinbuilding model, it was important that her Utahdwelling children and grandchildren marry not only Mormons […]

Utah Naming Practices, 1960–2020

[…] the now uncommon LaNae, LaVelle variety. More contemporary observers note the abundance of female names ending in -lee such as Ashlee and Kaylee. The pseudo suffix -lyn, as seen in Kaylyn, is also common, […]