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The Poetics of Provincialism: Mormon Regional Fiction

[…] 1940s, saw the emergence of a group of Mormon regionalists whose goal was not to create an alto gether new literature or an art subservient to the building up of Zion but to capture in […]

Expanding LDS Church Abroad: Old Realities Compounded

[…] Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. Much of the growth stems from the United States military presence where LDS servicemen and United States government officials take seriously the motto “every member a missionary.” Before the tragic […]

Shifts in Restoration Thought

[…] be defended, they will never stand the strict scrutiny of the word of life. And Sidney Rigdon, writing in 1836, asserts:  The Latter Day Saints believe that Christ will prepare the way of his […]

Famous Last Words, or Through the Correspondence Files

[…] the personal voice, announcing her own intention to avoid such unworthy self disclosure. Yet here was Claudia writing in this scholarly intellectual journal about one of the most intimate of all experiences, and here […]

Government-Sponsored Prayer in the Classroom

[…] School Prayer Problem Many people believe that more school prayer is desirable, and one obvious way to get it is to amend the Constitution. During its 1984 session the U.S. Senate considered a number […]

The Restoration and History: New Testament Christianity

[…] their authors understood those events. Thus what they seem to be telling us is that these authors, writing between about a.d. 70 and 95, did not know any tradition of Jesus establishing a priesthood […]

Refugee Converts: One Stake’s Experience

[…] ideas. The others gradually dropped out, but Jensen remained committed to the project. She spent several months writing the series of lessons, only to realize after filming the first one that they all had […]