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Two-Dog Dose

[…] the kind of stuff my dad did.”  “Really? He must have been disappointed his son became an English professor.”  “Yeah. I think he was, actually. Maybe. Hard to say. He was a difficult man […]

Church Influence Upon the Family

[…] become a national issue, requiring careful scrutiny of alternatives and possible outcomes. An editorial in The Deseret News has already come out against such income maintenance programs. Such programs may have far-reaching consequences for the […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] 5, 1968, with the following remarks:  “At this time we express deep sorrow and shock at the news of the passing of a man, Martin Luther King, who dedicated his life to what he […]

The Challenge of Secularism

[…] of the messages coming from General Authorities of rural backgrounds and the alarmist editorials of the Deseret News against the “new” economics which have been accepted for over thirty years by both political parties. […]

Lot’s Wife in the Latter Days

[…] the perishable ness of earthly things. We lived in St. Paul in the spring of ’65 during news making floods. We were unaffected physically, but being there involved us emotionally, and I was sobered […]

On Words and the Word of God: The Delusions of a Mormon Literature

[…] surer the grounds of one’s belief. This process of “destructiveness” often goes by such euphemisms as “soul- searching,” “mind expanding,” “challenging,” etc. As Gwendolyn Brooks puts it,  Does man love Art? Man visits Art, […]

Faithful History

[…] The Great Apostasy Considered in the Light of Scriptural and Secular History (Salt Lake City: The Deseret News, 1909); James L. Barker, Apostasy from the Divine Church (Salt Lake City: K. M. Barker, 1960).  […]

Some Implications of Human Freedom

[…] here to express again my debt to Dr. P. A. Christensen, for many years Chairman of the English Department at Brigham Young University. I cannot know the extent to which his ideas of tragedy […]

Wanted: Additional Outlets for Idealism

[…] to continue the temporal work of Zion-building as we once did in our heroic period, then the search for opportunities of service for our youth is both necessary and desirable.  Latter-day Saints do, of […]

The Church in Latin American: Progress and Challenge

[…] 1968, Provo, Utah. See “Sell that Thou Hast . . . and Come and Follow Me,” Church News (March 9, 1968), p. 11. Anyone interested in participating in or organizing a Friends of AYUDA […]