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Transcript of Trib Talk: A new Mormon faith crisis?

On February 16, Dialogue Board members Fiona Givens and Patrick Mason jo ined Collin McDonald to talk with Salt Lake Tribune Reporter Jennifer Napier-Pearce on Trib Talk about whether there is “A new Mormon faith […]

Mt. Rainier Sanctification

[…] and wind. I was depleted, and we hadn’t even started the hard part yet. What in the world was I thinking? Rainier is a serious mountain—14,411 feet of massive rock and ice. I was […]

The Gold Plates and Ancient Metal Epigraphy

Dialogue 52.2 (Summer 2019):37–58
Ryan Thomas highlights the different metal writing cultures from around the same time as the Book of Mormon periods to see if it is historically likely for the Gold Plates to […]

Evolution and Creation: Two World Views

Dialogue 17.1 (Spr ing 1984): 44–50
The big question for me in this controversy is whether freedom of inquiry, with the agonizing ambiguity that accompanies it, will be sacrificed to the interests of those who […]

The Coming of the Manifesto

Dialogue 5.3 (Fall 1970): 11–25 Godfrey describes the steps leading to Wilford Woodruff issuing the First Manifesto.

Every Soul Has Its South

Dialogue 1.2 (Summer 1966): 72–79
In this important article in one of the earliest Dialogue issues, Keller says “I went because I was frankly worried: worried that my wife and children should find me […]