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Genetics and Gathering the House of Israel

[…] find parallels between almost any two cultures by chance. Furthermore, missionaries now teach in much of the world, and knowledge of different cultures has grown dramatically, but any credible “found tribe” story has yet […]

Pioneer Mother

[…] that early Mormons found refuge without violence or conflict. This folktale is untrue. Although convinced of Native American’s ancient Lamanite ancestry, Mormon pioneers inhabited foreign land that did not belong to them and massacred […]

Mt. Rainier Sanctification

[…] demanded action. A bold move was necessary, and it was my job to execute it. Lara was breaking unspoken rules. She craved an equal voice with her husband, but no one wanted to give […]

Bodies, Babies, and Birth Control

[…] in the next life warning that “those who attempt to prevent their offspring from coming into the world in obedience to this great command, are guilty of one of the most heinous crimes in […]

The Political Background of the Woodruff Manifesto

[…] voters in the South through the so-called “force bill,” and prospects were not at all good for breaking the Democratic grasp on the vote from that section. The West certainly appeared to hold more […]