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The Church in Latin American: Progress and Challenge

[…] Public Health Division of the Organization of the Ameri can States have collaborated with Latin American g overnments in significant public health programs over the past twenty years. These efforts have resulted in millions […]

A Lesson from the Past

[…] of church agents in Europe to charter ships. Other agents in St. Louis and Chicago were to buy lumber, iron and canvas, for shipment to Iowa City where carpenters and blacksmiths fashioned the materials […]

Mormons and Infidelity

[…] ran across some startling information that made a whole group of other data collected accidentally and incidentally over a period of ten years suddenly coalesce and quite jar me. They indicated that a sizable […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] 2) the spiritual inaccessibility of many of those who outwardly give indication of perhaps having “arrived,” and 3) lack of confidence in many of Mormondom’s liberal college professors, who have often seemed to know […]

Roundtable Review: The Naked Capitalist

[…] be a great “beast” rise to power which will create an economic monopoly in which “no man might buy or sell” without its mark. Moroni talks about a similar “secret combination” in the latter days […]

The Role of Music in the Reorganized Church

[…] and taped in November and broadcast on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The 1974 performance was heard over 1750 stations throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the South Pacific and […]

Riding Herd: A Conversation with Juanita Brooks

[…] Mother for tending the baby. When I got through, I didn’t have much, you see, even to buy shoes. Well, when I went to settle tithing, the bishop said I had it all wrong, […]

Art, Religion and the Market Place

[…] tithing that returns many fold in the hour of need, the talk of tithing as our best buy in insurance, or the distasteful joke about it as personal fire insurance; that we hear the […]