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“White” of “Pure”: Five Vignettes

[…] yesterday, to-day, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world.  2 Nephi 7:4-5, p. 66:  He waketh mine ear to hear as the learned. The Lord […]

The Need for a New Mormon Heaven

Dialogue 21.3 (Fall 1988): 73–85
I used to love this description because my Mormon heaven seemed far superior to this standard Christian heaven that Twain’s Satan describes. Sexual intercourse does have a place in Mormon heaven, though not as an end in itself. Heavenly residents are busy with activities. Those righteous individuals who become gods in Mormon heaven will certainly be using their intellects as they create worlds and keep them running, and they will undoubtedly be learning continuously. Mormonism never suggested there would be continual music, nor continual church or Sabbath days in heaven.

Roundtable: When Feminists Excommunicate

Dialogue 50.1 (Spring 2017): 183–192I am concerned about the ways in which I see patriarchy swallow up the demands of feminism and use them against women. Each time we gain som

Mormons and the Visual Arts

[…] two reasons for this phenomenon: a larger than average proportion of citizens very recently from the Old World, where they were in the habit of visiting galleries, and the fact that these citizens were […]

Technological Change and Erosion of the Patriarchal Family

[…] editorials in Church publications and sacrament meeting, stake conference, and general conference addresses—Mormons see about them a world abounding in wickedness. Judging also from these same indicators, plus the Melchizedek Priesthood, Relief Society and […]

The Moral Dimensions of Man: A Scriptural View

[…] death.  Upon entering mortality, the spirit-man “mounts” this as yet undisciplined animal for the purpose of “ breaking it” to his own will and making it his servant. To the extent that he is […]

Willard Young: The Prophet’s Son at West Point

[…] good among your fellow students and we hope to see you accomplish it. No matter what the world at large believe, or say about the Latter- day Saints, if we do our duty, and […]

Yesterday the Wardhouse

[…] woman who later had nine children. She told us it was better to be born into the world without any shoes than not be born at all.  Arriving early has always been one of […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] list of recent works will notice that a high proportion of the reviewed literature concerns the ” World Church.” From India to England, Tin Can Island to Finland, South Africa to Central America the […]