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Snowflake Girl

[…] supplies we did not raise ourselves.  What would we use for paper? Fresh issues of the Deseret News! This semi-weekly publication was put out by the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. It was […]

Goodbye to Poplarhaven

[…] been established, their people one of the last groups to have the sense of destiny that c ame with such a call. At Huntington they laid out a mile-square townsite with sixty-four ten-acre blocks […]

Notes and Comments

On Mormon Theology | Riding Herd (Excerpt from a Letter) | Production of Plays with Mormon Themes | Improving the Gospel Doctrine Class

Halldor Laxness, the Mormons and the Promised Land

[…] struggle that characterizes his first major novel, The Great Weaver from Kashmir (1927). Shortly after this fl amboyant “Catholic” novel appeared, Laxness traveled to the United States where he became an ardent socialist, saved […]

The Aaronic Order: The Development of a Modern Mormon Sect

[…] the Great Basin— the location of both Eskdale and Partoun—as a refuge from the “wickedness of Babylon.” Today Eskdale is composed of thirteen houses arranged in two semi circular rows on the eastern side […]