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Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] and Thriving.” Honolulu: A Topical Tropical Magazine, II (October, 1967), 27. Glaser, Lynn. “The Mormons’ Anti-bank.” Numismatic News, January 1, 1968, p. 6. The Kirtland Safety Society. Godfrey, Kenneth W. “The Road to Carthage […]

The Divine Feminine in Mormon Art

[…] Gessell, Kwani Povi Winder, Amber Lee Weiss, Heather Ruttan, and Arawn Billings have painted Heavenly Mother as Black, Latina, Polynesian, Asian, Native American, and other races and ethnicities. The racial diversity of images of […]


[…] sun, Earth’s palette replaced by soot and chalk. No color. Only grays, darker or lighter. No real black. No clean white. Beth Cranston died this morning, the only old- timer still in my old […]

Mormonism and White Supremacy As Cultural Critique

[…] her book “seeks to use the tools of historical research and critical analysis to identify how anti- Black racism took hold in Mormonism” (p. 13). She hopes that understanding how systems of inequality were […]

If I Hate My Mother, Can I Love the Heavenly Mother?

[…] my throat  as I watch my mother  nervous before flight,  do needlepoint—  blue irises & yellow daffo dils  against a stippled woolen sky.  She pushes the needle  in & out  as she once pushed […]

The Manifesto Was a Victory!

[…] a mid-day phone call from Provo. The caller had just attended an open discussion with a young black leader from the University of Arizona. This campus visitor had, in discussing racial problems, advanced the […]