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Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine: A Mormon Perspective

Dialogue 18.2 (Summer 1985): 42
For this reason, I would suggest that in theory—and sometimes even in practice—”Mormonism” typically sees frontiers in medicine such as those we have discussed as opportunities for expanding its […]

The Renovation of Marsha Fletcher

[…] mouth job—the worst of the lot. Then I’ll be all fixed up. Just call me the $ 6 million housewife! Thanks for the letter. That part about how you put down your boss when […]

Another Angel

[…] that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.  Revelation, XIV: 6  I  Professor R. L. Robinson woke up on a jet from Los Angeles to Paris and […]

The Church’s Use of Secular Arguments

[…] And given the demographics of Prop 8 support and the huge drop between Prop 22 support ( 61 percent) and Prop 8 support (52 percent) just eight years later, it seems quite likely that […]

On Fidelity, Polygamy, and Celestial Marriage

Dialogue 20.4 (Winter 1987): 138–154
England shares his reasons for why Joseph Smith introduced polygamy and then removed it as one of the commandments. England argues that polygamy was a faith testing experience which […]

Honorable Mention: Butterflies

[…] After they’re secure inside this net, leave them alone for about seven days. You’ll be surprised, amazed, over-­the-­moon at what happens, but remember not to take the butterflies out before their wings have dried. […]


[…] a kid who works at the gas station who sells them on the sly from under the counter. The kid is saving up money to go to college. The word gets out that he […]

The Gift

[…] Gerard did not know English well enough to be sure. The fellow made snowballs and threw them over the balustrade into the river. He elevated his arms and pirouetted like a dancer. He leaped […]

Wide Angle

[…] seat-yourself, serve-your self establishment. Not buffet or anything, but if you want something to drink, you go over to the ice box and get it yourself. Milk, whatever your preference, skim, 1%, 2%, whole—they […]