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Excommunication and Church Courts: A Note From the General Handbook of Instructions

Among the things Mormon brought into the spotlight by the Sonia Johnson affair, perhaps the least well understood was the LDS notion of “excommunication.” To non-Mormons the process seemed, in Phil Donahue’s widely heard characterization, a “medieval”, anachronism. On the Mormon side, while the notion was hardly a surprise, a remarkable ignorance of the criteria and mechanics was generally evident whenever the faithful tried to “explain” what was going on.

Each Sect the Sect to End All Sects

[…] Mario S. De Pillis is recalling our attention to the historical study of Mormonism’s origins, understood as human actions in time and space and interpreted as a constitutive part of the American pilgrimage. Such […]

Liahona and Iron Rod Revisited

[…] person; he relies on the tests of “prove all things” and “by their fruits” because he regards no human authority as infallible. The Iron Rod sees some human authorities—prophets, scriptures and inner promptings—as sufficiently re […]

Man and Motherhood

[…] of wife and mother. Indeed they promise that a righteous woman will be totally fulfilled within these designated spheres where in some manner, she even shares, partakes of, or otherwise participates in the priesthood.  […]

Leaders to Managers: The Fatal Shift

[…] for caps, gowns, and hoods,” in the United States. Before that there were no rules. You could design your own; and that liberty goes as far back as these fixings can be traced. The […]

Notes on Brigham Young’s Aesthetics

“If there is anything virtuous, lovely . . . we seek after these things.” Granted. But loveliness by what criteria? We in the Church often presume a common aesthetic; or when conflicts in judgment arise—whether…