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Wild Sage

[…] your promise, Jamie. I kept mine. I didn’t tell.  And more leaves drift onto my shoulders, c overing my head, brushing my ears that are exposed because of the knot at the back of […]

Wide Angle

[…] seat-yourself, serve-your self establishment. Not buffet or anything, but if you want something to drink, you go over to the ice box and get it yourself. Milk, whatever your preference, skim, 1%, 2%, whole—they […]


[…] hundred feet across. It had a ledge to dive off from and a rope tied to an overhanging cottonwood limb to swing on. A wide band of trees and willows screened the river from […]

Follow Me, Boys

[…] Ginni had to go back to shelving books, the two girls had watched him guiding the lawnmower over the bumps and hillocks of the hospital lawn. “I’m wondering if he’s wearing the boots,” said […]

Fast Offering

[…] the gentile woman, the most popular seminary teacher at the high school. He was always getting mentioned over the pulpit at missionary farewells and presenting at firesides. Welden had mainly avoided him. There was […]

Villa Mae

[…] At lunchtime she makes excuses not to sit at the table with the family, but I disc overed that instead of taking her tray to the recreation room to eat, she was going into […]

Law and Order — A Two Way Street

[…] “legal” devices such as the poll tax, the grandfather clause and the white primary, recalcitrant white g overnment officials have tried to disenfranchise Negroes by gerrymandering and by voter qualification tests (of “character” or […]

Middle Buddha

[…] Utah and China. When I realized that “Southern Far East Mission” didn’t mean Florida, I had to buy a map to locate Taiwan, my own mission field. I was dutifully packed off to the […]

New Light on Mormon Origins from the Palmyra Revival

[…] has recently been given more careful study because of a number of difficulties that have been unc overed: the earliest Mormon and anti-Mormon writers know nothing of such a vision; the text of the […]